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We welcome everyone!

We are the Pennant Hills - Cherrybrook Junior Rugby League Club, a local sporting organisation serving this community for over 50 years.


Our vision is to provide local residents with safe modified junior rugby league, rugby league and league tag programs in a family friendly environment.


We promote an active, healthy lifestyle and good sportsmanship and citizenship on and off the field.


The Stags have strong ties to our local community and continually evolve to meet our changing demographics and environment.


Get in touch with Stags today

2024 Committee Volunteers

Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Stags Rugby League Club is run by volunteers and meets monthly.
The Committee is elected at our Annual General Meeting held in October of each year. 

Can you volunteer? Get in touch today.




Emma Watson
Donna Aoutal

Vice President

Tim Beitsch

Coaches Coordinator

Ryan Comerford


Conor Hamilton


Girls League Tag Coordinator

Michelle Loader

Uniforms & Merchandise

Sarah Byrom


Social Media & Marketing

Damon Tokoly


Can you volunteer in 2024?

Please get in touch:

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